Hello there. My name is Nova. This is my 2023, probably the craziest year of my life. Just as a side note to people, this post is not intended to hurt anyone’s feelings, this is simplily my experience.

Everything started in Feburary, just a little before I joined the QuestCraft Discord server. I got a message from one of the support staff, my now good friend DED. Simplily asking who I’d be voting for in the election they had in the Discord server. I at the time was rooting for someone called “The Corn Dealer”, I know, funni :)

Anyway, the conversation ended with DED saying they’d eat a can of corn if I voted for them… tempting

So this election goes on. Last round is where things went badly, it’s now support against the uhm… something like fsc3k idk, anyway we had the server owner (CADIndie) on our side and he decided to do an @everyone ping…

So the server’s in lockdown, I had nothing to do with this and wanted to inform the support team, I didn’t want them to be mad at me. I tell DED by at this point I’d say we are acquaintances. I also spoke to some of the other support team Jaffa and Crow, those names will be important later, very important. After a while I learn about Jaffa, Crow and DED a little more and we start to become more and more of friends, I actually… I felt happy during this time. I was unaware of my own past. I learnt that Crow had a lot of mental issues and wasn’t doing so great… it made me very upset to hear that, she meant a lot to me. However DED was dating Crow at the time and she said that DED was helping a lot. I’m gonna cut out the drama and say that they broke up, and Jaffa and Crow got together. After a lot of debating DED and Crow really did not want to talk to each other. I picked Crow’s side, I didn’t want to lose her… she taught me a lot about my life and how I know a lot about me and my mental illnesses.

I want to say before we continue, thank you Crow for doing that. Meant a lot.

Anyway, I was fed lies about what happened with DED and Crow. I was tricked and decieved. At the time I was unaware. The QuestCraft Discord server was starting to rot, I was now a support staff and it was affecting my mental health more then I needed. So me, Jaffa and Crow left the server and found a new server. TSC.

TSC was a nice server if I’m honest, nice people. I stayed for a while. The server owner Ungerground (not a misspelling). We all knew Unger from the QuestCraft Discord server. I was made moderator along side Jaffa while Crow was an admin of the server. I was tasked to make a bot for TSC, I accepted of course, these people were my friends and I didn’t have anything else to do. Anyway I asked for features etc etc. No answers so I added music and an XP system. Also some music sharing stuff but that never really made it into the light. So Unger complains at me for “messing around”. This pissed me off. He also complained at the fact I couldn’t copy the XP curve of the Arcane bot. Sorry I can’t take a closed-source curve. At this time I spoke to DED again after a long time. To my surprise, they weren’t mad over me leaving them, but happy I came back… I missed DED, I missed DED a lot. So we spoke a lot and I spent late nights talking to DED, they made me so happy. Meanwhile in TSC I’d been getting more aggressive due to the way Unger was acting. Crow was telling me to listen but I refused because I had no reason to be complained at. After a while another friend of mine, PhobiaVR sent me a message with the following: “I was dared to ask my crush who their crush is and they said me”. Me being a very smart person said “imma try that rq” and may have guessed it. I sent the message to DED

Here is how the exchange goes: “Who’s your crush? btw I’m asking because phobia dared me to” and they spoke to Phobia and you wanna know what he sends? “I was dared to ask my crush who their crush is and they said me”. DED knew and said they felt the same… I was happy, very very happy. So we were together and we were happy. I showed my tree in TSC by accident on the Marriage bot… I showed Jaffa and he just went “ok.”…

I didn’t tell Crow, I didn’t want her upset. She found it and I…

I nearly killed myself that night. DED saved my life by being there. Glad to have you DED. But… that night, I knew that I’d lost the one person who knew how to change my life. Crow and I didn’t talk again pretty much, I left TSC and me and Jaffa drifted apart, not long after I told him it wasn’t gonna work out. I told him to have a good life.

Those people meant a lot to me… a lot. I miss them… but I know that I don’t want them back, I won’t get into details.

Me and DED were happy and I was just… trying to forget them. And I mostly have. I joined DED’s Minecraft Discord server “The Bones Network” which I stay to this day as an owner. I recently broke up with DED and am with someone else. I love them very much. Nico you are the love of my life, I will never leave you. DED you’ve made a huge impact on my life, thank you for saving it many times, you mean a lot to me. Crow and Jaffa, thank you for your time, what you did was not good. But you helped. a lot… Bones thank you for being an awesome dude, you’re a bro.

Thank you everyone. I would be dead if it wasn’t for you. And thank you, for taking the time to read.

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